Range and charging

Planning your Electric Car Trips

The advantages of EVs go beyond the ecological aspect. They help save money in the long term and offer a quiet driving experience.

Planning is key to making the most of these benefits with complete peace of mind.

Planning your trips allows you to anticipate charging sessions, choose the ideal route and optimize the time spent at charging stations.


Understanding electric range

The range of an electric vehicle can be compared to the ability of a smartphone battery to last before needing to be plugged in. With an EV, it is the distance it can travel before needing to be charged. If an EV has a range of 300 kilometres, this means it can travel 300 kilometres before the battery is completely drained, under ideal conditions. Of course, certain factors can influence range.

Factors influencing range

Various factors, such as battery temperature, weather (cold can impact range) and driving style (sporty or more economical), have an impact on an EV range.

To optimize EV range, particularly through energy recovery and preheating, read this article.

Estimating actual range

Many electric cars can assess in real time whether they have enough range to reach their destination when it is logged into the navigation system.

It is always a good idea to use a trip planner, like the one from The Electric Circuit available on their website or via their app.

With a gasoline-powered car, you can estimate when to fill up to avoid running out of fuel. The same applies to an electric car. After a few weeks or months of use, you will be able to easily estimate the range you need to make your usual trips.

Choosing the best routes when driving an electric car

With charging stations strategically distributed along major routes throughout Québec, charging is becoming increasingly accessible. That being said, route planning is still relevant.

Using mapping tools and dedicated applications

In addition to Google Maps, applications such as Chargehub and The Electric Circuit make trip planning easier by listing over 10,000 charging stations in Québec.

Choosing the right route for your EV range

Over time, it will be easy to identify potential obstacles to your EV range and learn to take advantage of traffic, an opportunity unique to EVs, which recover energy every time they brake.

If you think you might run out of range before getting to your destination, consider taking an alternative route that avoids highways, if you have time to spare. Lower speed limits and stop signs maximize battery regeneration.

Identifying and using charging stations

The importance of locating charging stations

Knowing the location of charging stations is crucial to optimizing a route. EV drivers will quickly identify charging stations on frequently traveled routes.

For new routes, we recommend using applications such as Chargehub and The Electric Circuit to locate available charging stations in real time.

Information on charging speed

Some apps also provide information on the speed of a charging station, making it easier to plan trips with even greater precision.

Optimizing charging time

Tips for reducing charging time

Optimize time spent at the charging station by charging the vehicle to 80% (the more the battery is empty, the faster it charges) or according to actual needs. Plan strategic breaks and integrate charging to planned activities or stops (bathroom breaks, meals, errands, etc.) to make more efficient use of charging time.

Applications for electric cars in 2024

There are several applications for planning your trips with an EV. They offer interesting features such as the availability of charging stations and the distance to get there.

Here are some applications you can download on your smartphone:


• Locate a charging station

• Easy-to-start charging session

• Track your charging progress

• Plan your trips and journeys according to various factors

• Recommended application for EV drivers


• Locator of all charging stations in the U.S. and Canada
• Profile adapted to your use and your vehicle
• Detailed description of charging station
• EV trip planner
• Active community of EV drivers


Carmakers also propose several other applications.

Expert advice on planning electric car trips

Safety margin for your EV range

Always allow for a safety margin when it comes to EV range, considering possible variations due to weather conditions and unforeseen events.

Tips for maximizing energy efficiency

Here are a few driving tips to maximize energy efficiency:

  1. Reduce speed on highways
  2. Use energy regeneration when braking
  3. Minimize use of air conditioning and heating when possible
  4. Maintain optimum tire pressure
  5. Lighten vehicle load
  6. Use the vehicle's energy-saving features

The future of EV trip planning

High-power charging networks

High-power charging networks are being developed, promising shorter charging times and greater accessibility. Charging times at fast-charging stations are likely to become even shorter over the next few years. Stay tuned!

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